I've published the release of PoshMailKit (1.1.0)]. You can install it using this command:
Install-Module -Name PoshMailKit
Or, you can check it out on GitHub.
Read MorePlease pardon our dust
Okay, so, I've put it on my to-do list to actually post something here for the last...wait, it's been *three weeks* already?!? Time sure does fly...
Here I will detail upcoming changes to the site, as well as a status update on the error handling series.
Read MoreXKCD is one of my favorite webcomics, and so when I saw the calendar facts comic, I figured I could easily write a function that uses that as a basis. Something simple and fun.
Anyway, I've done so and posted it on my GitHub for this site (click here) for anyone who wants to play around with it. It's pretty easy to extend, change, or do whatever you want with.
I might even be open to extending it if anyone wants to fork it and send me a pull request.
Anyway, just some fun stuff. Enjoy!
A couple of years ago, I needed to build a tool for first tier helpdesk workers who didn't know PowerShell. I pitched to purchase a license of PowerShell Studio, but that was shot down as too expensive. So, instead, I decided to build my own GUI tool from the ground up and got to work researching how to do that.
Check it out here, or read on for more details.
Read MoreAs I mentioned in a previous post, I now have a GitHub account; all of my small code samples will be hosted there as gists, bigger functions will be added to my "poshsite" repository, and bigger projects will get their own repositories. I've removed all of the directly embedded code from this site and converted them to gists; this will give me a better place to store and share my code, and it provides much better syntax highlighting than what I was previously using.
That's not even getting in to the fact that it tracks changes for me automatically.
Anyway, you can find me at https://github.com/poshcodebear, and my gists at https://gist.github.com/poshcodebear.
Okay, not a PowerShell thing (directly, anyway), just finding that my method of storing my code is becoming unmanageable. Basically, what I've been doing is throwing everything in my Google Drive, which is overall very convenient, but over time is showing to be unwieldy. Especially since, though I write a change log with my more important scripts, I have no way to go back to an old version of my code.
I already had a GitHub account, I've just not been using it. So, depending on how things work, I'll probably start sharing more of my code from there rather than embedding it directly here, and just provide a link to it instead.
In my limited interaction with GitHub in the past, it was fantastic and fairly easy to use. If you're looking for a way to store your code, and even collaborate, it's a great system for it. If you're on GitHub already, I'm on there as poshcodebear. You can find me here: https://github.com/poshcodebear.
There's not much there yet, but I'm going to start migrating my code to there soon so you'll see things start to pop up.